Dr. Fabio Carrillo

Dr. Sc. Fabio Carrillo is head deputy at ROCS team, leading the translational research and it is the Head of Research Operations of OR-X. He did his electronic engineering studies between Universidad Simon Bolivar in Venezuela and Lund University in Sweden. Afterwards, in 2014 he completed the master in Robotics, System and Control at ETH Zurich. He worked for a while at Hocoma, a swiss company for rehabilitation robotics. In summer 2015, he decided to perform his PhD studies at ETH and Balgrist, under the supervision of Prof. Snedeker and Prof. Fürnstahl focusing on automatic optimization of 3D planning for orthopedic surgeries.
Since 2019 he has been coordinating different scientific projects, with strong interest in surgical technologies, translational science and clinical validation. He is part of the core team of the OR-X, sharing the vision of an open access, cutting-edge infrastructure where research and surgical training can be fostered and supported with an interdisciplinary team.