Prof. Dr. Philipp Fürnstahl

Prof. Dr. Philipp Fürnstahl is a computer scientist by training who received his PhD in the field of computer-assisted surgery from ETH Zurich. Since 2012, Prof. Fürnstahl has headed the "Computer-Aided Surgery Lab" at Balgrist University Hospital. In 2018 he received the venia legendi in orthopedic research from the University of Zurich, followed by the appointment as Professor for "Research in Orthopedic Computer Science" in February 2020. Prof. Fürnstahl has more than 150 publications in the field of computer-assisted surgery. He is inventor of several medical devices that are successfully applied in patient treatment.
Top 10 Publications
- Seibold M, Maurer S, Hoch A, Zingg P, Farshad M, Navab N, Fürnstahl P. Real-time Acoustic Sensing and Artificial Intelligence for Error Prevention in Orthopedic Surgery. Scientific Reports, 2021. 11 (Nr. 3993).
- Hein J, Seibold M, Bogo F, Farshad M, Pollefeys M, Fürnstahl P, Navab N. Monocular Markerless Tool-in-Hand-Tracking for Surgery. Proceedings of IPCAI 2021: International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions. Accepted/in press.
- Von Atzigen M, Liebmann F, Hoch A, Bauer D.E, Snedeker J.G, Farshad M, Fürnstahl P. HoloYolo: A proof-of-concept study for marker-less surgical navigation of spinal rod implants with augmented reality and on-device machine learning. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2020. e2184.
- Carrillo F, Roner S, von Atzigen M, Schweizer A, Nagy L, Vlachopoulos L, Snedeker J, Fürnstahl P. An automatic genetic algorithm framework for the optimizatin of three-dimensional surgical plans of forearm corrective osteotomies. Medical Image Analysis, p. 101598, 2019.
- Liebmann F, Roner S, Von Atzigen M, Scaramuzza D, Sutter R, Snedeker J, Farshad M, Fürnstahl P. Pedicle screw navigation using surface digitization on the Microsoft HoloLens. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2019. 14(7): 1157-1165.
- Vlachopoulos L, Lüthi M, Carrillo F, Gerber C, Székely G, Fürnstahl P. Restoration of the Patient-Specific Anatomy of the Proximal and Distal Humerus - Statistical Shape Modeling versus Contralateral Registration Method. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 2018.
- Vlachopoulos L, Székely G, Gerber C, Fürnstahl P. A scale-space curvature matching algorithm for the reconstruction of complex proximal humeral fractures. Medical Image Analysis, 2018. 43: 142-156.
- Mauler F, Langguth C, Schweizer A, Vlachopoulos L, Gass T, Lüthi M, Fürnstahl P. Prediction of Normal Bone Anatomy for the Planning of Corrective Osteotomies of Malunited Forearm Bones Using a Three-Dimensional Statistical Shape Model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2017. 35(12): 2630-2636.
- Tschannen M, Vlachopoulos L, Gerber C, Szekely G, Fürnstahl P. Regression Forest-Based Automatic Estimation of the Articular Margin Plane for Shoulder Prosthesis Planning. Medical Image Analysis, 2016. 31: 88-97.
- Fürnstahl P, Szekely G, Gerber C, Hodler J, Snedeker JG, Harders M. Computer assisted reconstruction of complex proximal humerus fractures for preoperative planning. Medical Image Analysis, 2012. 16(3): 704-720.
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